On Omega-3 On Omega-3 Fatty Acids and
the Heart
 | Rapid protective effect of alpha-linolenic acid in
heart-attack survivors
shown by survival
curves |
 | Marked reduction in myocardial infarction and
no sudden deaths
in experimental group during
trial of Mediterranean diet |
Five years after being assigned to a diet rich in alpha-linolenic acid
(ALA) (a "Mediterranean" diet), survivors of a first myocardial
infarction manifested a markedly reduced rate of recurrence of myocardial
infarction, other cardiac events, and overall mortality (de Lorgeril et
al, 1994). A reduction in coronary events and cardiac deaths of close to
70% was achieved in this trial without a reduction of serum cholesterol,
triglycerides, or an increase in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) compared
to controls, in contrast to previous unsuccessful dietary
secondary-prevention trials. A difference between this and previous
secondary-prevention trials is the level of ALA provided the treatment
group; in this study, the concentration of ALA was increased by 68% and
that of linolenic acid reduced by 7% in the experimental group.
randomization patients in the experimental group (n=302) were advised to
adopt a Mediterranean-type diet consisting of more bread, more root and
green vegetables, more fish, less meat (beef, lamb, and pork to be
replaced by poultry), no day without fruit, and butter and cream to be
replaced with supplied margarine. Similar to olive oil, the margarine had
15% saturated fatty acids and 48% oleic acid but 5.4% 18:1 trans fats; it
also was slightly higher in linoleic acid (16.4 versus 8.6%) and higher
still in ALA (4.8 versus 0.6%) than other margarines.
To avoid influencing the behavior of controls, control patients (n=303)
received no dietary advice and were not evaluated as to food intake for
the first 4 years of the trial. At the 52-week evaluation of plasma fatty
acids the experimental group showed significantly higher levels of oleic
(p less than 0.001), alpha-linolenic (p less than 0.001), and
eicosapentaenoic (p less than 0.001) acids and lower levels of stearic (p
less than 0.001), linoleic (0.002), and arachidonic (p=0.005) acids.
Control subjects experienced 20 deaths (8 sudden deaths) and treatment
subjects 8 deaths (no sudden deaths); the probability of survival by the
product-limit method (Kaplan Meier) was 0.82 in the control group and
0.955 in the experimental group (p=0.02), with a risk ratio of 0.30
(p=0.02). The risk ratio of cardiac death was 0.24 (0.07 to 0.85, p=0.02).
Survival differed significantly in favor of treated subjects (p less than
Of course, as with any
study involving humans we must wonder at how strictly the subjects
complied with the diets they were provided, as well as how often and to
what extent subjects in the "diet" group might have sneaked a quick cream puff now and then,
thus doing strange things to the results. That is why results of
dietary experiments involving animals whose every morsel is regulated
can be so much more reliable. But it is always to some extent
risky to generalize from animal results to human. The study
discussed above has in its favor the length of time it ran and the
number of subjects enrolled. In addition, all subjects
had experienced at least one heart attack, and that history might have
disposed subjects in the "diet" group toward
de Lorgeril M, Renaud S, Mamelle N et al:
Mediterranean alpha-linolenic
acid-rich diet in secondary prevention of coronary heart disease. Lancet
1994; 343(8911):1454-1459.