What About this Self-Proclaimed Writer?

She loves Rambo but is really more a cat person (but no need to tell him!).
Trained in science and art, Dr. DialSometimes known as Jackie often incorporates both into her work. She enjoys analyzing
complex technical subjects and translating that information into
images and prose appropriate for various levels of expertise.
Her diverse educational background... certain special interests stemming from more personal tidal pools. in science facilitates her special
interests in oncology, mood disorders, osteoarthritis, alternative
medicine, and the endocrinology of osteoporosis.
With a doctorate in experimental psychology (minor in physiology), the former instructor at Colorado State University uses her abilities at wordsmithery and her broad biomedical knowledge to create written and rendered products appropriate to a variety of professional and educated audiences.
Why then with this background does she not teach or do research? While obtaining
her MS and PhD, Dr. Dial's research was on drugs of abuse and
their effects on ingestion
during and outside of pregnancy. During that time, Jackie
came to the realization that, while she has deep respect for all
aspects of ethical research, she prefers not to engageParticularly when, as in our lab, results on rats were but modestly applicable to humans. in it herself.
Rather, written communications to other describing the research design, its
results, and its consequences provides her with a sense of reward
and satisfaction.
In addition, since 1995 she has been a member of the American Medical Writers' Association (AMWA), and in 1999 completed AMWA's core-curriculum program.
Fitness, nutrition,
and well-being are integral to Jackie's psychic spectrum.
In the summer that she participated in the First Annual Colorado
Mountain Race CircuitNever mind which year! , she finished as second woman after having
run such courses as the seven-mile Vail Hill Climb, the Pikes
Peak Half-Marathon, and the 18-mile Ouray to Telluride over-pass
ordeal. (As her knees took a full two years to return to
normalcy, she decided at that point against participating in any
further mountain races containing downhill segments.)
Nevertheless the knees finally caved, and she is waiting for the opportunity and the availability of knee replacements that enable one ro run. Meanwhile, she makes do with hiking, biking, skating in-line, and reading fiction whilst stomping the Stairmaster.
With strong feelings that one should return
to the earth as one takes from it, Jackie, through MedicaLink,
is proud to help support nonprofit organizations that reflect these ideals.
She keeps a look-out for, but has yet to find, organizations along these lines:
Out with the Oil-Burners—Two Wheels Ahead!
The Anti-Deforestation League
Children for Responsible Parents
Population Growth: Whatever Happened to Zero?