What have we done?
The scope of our accomplishments is extensive and diverse; a sampling of
our past writing, editing, illustrating,
researching, teaching, and softwaring
activities are spotlighted below. Additional details
and perspectives can be found on relevant web pages.
And yes, to be frank (if not strictly grammatical), on this page the "we"
usually refers to a singular pronoun.
 | Dr. Dial abstracted and incorporated published clinical research and
pertinent articles on several hundreds of drugs, vitamins,
and substances into
an international drug database. The project required
medical literature
searching, interpreting research design and statistical methods,
and summarizing key medical information, reconciling contradictions, and
incorporating changes into existing database topics. (Micromedex, 1996
1999). |
 | She authors monographs for an alternative-medicine database.
The project
requires literature searching of both scientific and lay publications, evaluating
research design and statistical methods of studies of varying quality, and
database articles containing careful acknowledgement of scientifically
valid results. (ongoing)
 | She compiled patient-education materials relating nutrition and cancer (CSU
Veterinary Hospital). |
 | Dr. Dial was both editor and art director for the alternative-medicine
"Oriental Medicine" (1993 to 1996). In
addition to assisting authors in more
clearly presenting their ideas,
she authored articles and produced cover art
and article illustrations.
 | Dr. Dial was the pre-publication author-editor for a veterinary oncology textbook
(Gregory K. Ogilvie,
DVM, Comparative Oncology Unit, Veterinary Teaching
Hospital, Fort
Collins, Colorado). |
 | She has experience in
substantive editing of original articles, reviews, and case
reports for medical journals, sometimes working with authors whose
English is
not the native tongue (Hoppenrath Publishing, Gilbert,
Arizona). |
 | Dr. Dial has significant experience in selection and abstraction of
for medical databases and comparative drug efficacy
reports (Excerpta Medica,
Belle Mead, New Jersey). |
As Publications Specialist with the National Ecology Research
Center, she
compiled and edited abstracts for nationally distributed
newsletter (1989 to
1990). |
 | Dr. Dial is a degreed biomedical illustrator with experience in hand, camera,
and computer-assisted illustration techniques. |
 | Dr. Dial provided the illustrations for a veterinary oncology textbook
(Gregory K.
DVM, Comparative Oncology Unit, Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Fort
Collins, Colorado).
 | Although Dr. Dial occasionally does contract illustration, she prefers
to combine
her illustration with article writing/editing for books and
journal articles.
 | As an experimental psychologist, Dr. Dial has designed
and supervised scientific
experiments and published peer-reviewed
articles on effects of drugs of abuse
during pregnancy on food
intake in the rat. Another research interest was food preferences and their effects on human and animal
 | Dr. Dial developed and taught upper- and lower-division
courses in cognitive psychology and human
sexuality for the Departments of
Psychology and Continuing
Education (Colorado State University, 1994 to 1997). |
She taught Macintosh-based graphics and desktop-publishing programs
Aldus FreeHand, Advanced FreeHand, Aldus PageMaker, and Quark
Xpress (CSU, 1993 to 1994). |
 | As a
graduate teaching assistant, Dr. Dial taught a senior-level lecture class in physiological psychology,
undergraduate labs in statistics, and classes in
environmental psychology (CSU, 1988 to 1990). |
 | Although programming is not her field, Dr. Dial enjoys computers and
their ever-unbalancing high jinks (some days more so than others,
perhaps). She
developed an interactive form in Microsoft Access for writers to
track article
inserts from search to publication; in conjunction,
she set up relational tables
for the database
(Micromedex). |
 | She has designed web sites (MedicaLink) and
vows, should such design ever
come her way again, not to use Front Page. |